My reasons for baking my own bread are:
1.) The quality of the industrial product decreased over time. The price is hard to beat but I donīt enjoy eating it. Other people noticed that too. Baking your own bread helps to maintain a good quality.
1a.) Homemade bread just tastes better than the store bought stuff.
2.) Baking bread gives you a better understanding of your food. Not all types of bread taste best when fresh.
3.) You can have variations to your taste. You can have types of bread that are not available in the store at all.
4.) Baking bread is fun and fills your home with a pleasant smell.
5.) Eating your own bread and sharing it with friends is good for the soul.
6.) Kneading the doe with your hands is a good workout.

Baking bread is not as much work as many people think. If you do the kneading with a machine, the actual work is less than 15 min. Most of the time the doe is just rising. I started baking bread about 10 years ago and I think itīs worth it.
If it isnīt broken, it doesnīt have enough features yet.