Making a statement that most of ETS readerhip isn't interested in such scenarios is akin to saying "Have you heard of Jesus?" or, I have some colloidal silver that will solve a problem you aren't even aware of.It's hubris of foreknowledge and personal possession of subjective gifts. As some know, my avocation is archaeology. And If I've learned anything, our VERY short occupation on this planet, with much of that time spent in a hunter gatherer mode dodging glaciers, cave bears and falling cave overheads is still on probation.
The very short era of our organising ourselves into a species that can now effect the planet has already seen major disasters, both recorded and only remembered in myth. And it has seen some very suprising twists and turns so well demonstrated in the old UK series connections.
The very world of our longest cultural stasis and stability in Southern France and Spain is gone; no more tundra, cave bears, wooly mastodons, or sabre toothed cats. Only their painted memory and fossils as contemorary as a 70s cell phone.To presume anyone could guess 10,000 years ahead beyond 'it will be different' is worth a donation of zip.

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (02/26/09 10:32 PM)