Forgive my late reply. I didn't see all of your post earlier. There are no flukes in nature, excepting on cetaceans. What befell Mr Ralston and my party have utterly no difference. He failed to take certain pretrip precautions and had a boulder fall on his arm. My whoefully ill led party somehow circumvented, overlooked and ignored every rule and guidelines for the islands. Had I been pinned by a pygmy mammoth femur the result would have been the same. I would be remiss not to address Doug's "profit" motive in giving lectures. Doug is a recognised member of the safety/survival community. I can personally attest that his efforts return little enough for the investment in time and energy. Shall we dock the pay of Coast Guardsmen,Firemen and paramedics who make reference to incidents? But then some people begrudge songbirds their voice. In closing, individuals who register solely to post attacks in the safety of faceless anonymity also lack the collection of vertebrae one would attach to said structure. But then this incident seems to center on the progressive loss of body parts.