Much like many other legal threats, this one will simply fade away. Aron is trying to not look completely stupid. In order to acomplish that, he needs to make everyone stop talking about it (not gonna happen).

Doug, you're in the right here. No doubt about that. If he had a shread of decency, he would tell his story in a forum like this one as opposed to selling the book rights. It was truely a freakish combination of events that caused his tragedy, but there are lessons to be learned here. Unfortunately, most people will have to pay $29.95 to learn it. This information should be free for all to learn from (IMHO). I really believe that he is trying to protect the dollar value of his story.....or...someone told him that he's supposed to get a lawyer to protect the dollar value of his story. In either case there's money involved. I bet that lawyer waived the retainer fee in lieu of a percentage of the book (or the made-for-TV movie) proceeds.

I'll admit, most people who see the story on TV would be too caught up in feeling bad for him to actually learn anything. They won't benefit fom it. Come to think of it, survival minded people won't benefit from it either. They already know what he did wrong. I guess the only people to benefit from this will be Aron and his lawyer. I wonder if Aron will add up all the numbers and tell us how much his arm was worth one day.

As a side note...I wonder if every reporter, newspaper, TV network, and magazine that his name appeared in got the same letter.

Just another $0.02