Sad news. Familiar Foods, the company that carried the Milkman Brand powdered instant milk (with the kiss of cream) is out of business.

I discovered how good their product was while in Iraq. The shelf stable cartons of milk the chow hall had weren't fit for consumption, so I asked the wife to send me some instant. At first I got Carnation, and while I do not care for the taste of their product, it was better than what we got at the chow hall. My wife sent me a package of Milkman Brand and the taste was much more acceptable, to the extent that I became somewhat of a supplier for good fresh milk to a number of expats and a few soldiers. The small amount of milkfat in the mix really made a big difference.

Now it is gone. Woe is me.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)