This is a topic I enjoy thinking about even though it started out of necessity. I think it is fairly easy to stock up cheaply and nutritiously. I make sure I have a lot of cereals, oatmeal, grits, cornmeal, etc. Plus tuna, sardines, smoked oysters. Canned and dried veggies and fruits. Crackers of all kinds. Dry and condensed milk. Cooking oil, and peanut butter. I have kids and a relatively picky husband, so I make sure there is something for everyone. Oh, don't forget spagettios! Incidentally, in my car I keep some candy, nuts, beef jerky (which can be pricey for the good stuff, but packs a lot of protein), and peanut butter crackers, as well as a case of bottled water. Hope this helps a little. I used to fret about it until I realized that I did have the bases covered more than I had thought.