We got around 13" or so last night on top of the 9 or 10" we already had, and it snowed down to 1200ft (LOW).

Around noon power went out, and now it's back on.

Oddly enough when the only thing I rely on for power is lights I didn't miss it. Sure night come I'd have to use mynew LED lights but other than not being able to charge my laptop or cell I didn't miss it.

I`m sure things will change once I get my fridge hooked up, but other than that I don't "need" power. It's pretty cool feeling.

(I do have a generator if I wanted to make power.)

Once all my stuff is moved in I`ll have battery backups too, and could run my laptop/cell for days on one even.

It started snowing about an hour ago and we've already got a couple inches, supposed to drop some more tonight, and then tomororw drop a TON.

We will see smile

Self Sufficient Home - Our journey to self sufficiency.