Originally Posted By: ratbert42
Has there ever been a society that's attempted to ban knives to this extent? I can't imagine there has.

I can't even imagine what my life would be like without being able to possess a pocket knife. I must use one at least twice a day every day now. And I can't imagine the implications for people that really use knives for work. Carpet knives, boxcutters, Xactos, fishing knives, electricians, multitools, pruning knives, etc. Those and many more work-related tools would need special exemptions that I didn't see in the proposed bill.

It's like they're finally trying to out-kooky California.

THis may be an over generalization, but it seems the farther west or east one travels from Texas, the stranger things become.....
I do the things that I must, and really regret, are unfortunately necessary.