Second on researching your area if you contemplate bugging out on foot. For example, in modern urban living we tend to ignore waterways but in a disaster the bridges might be down or they might be dangerous congestion points.

Also, consider what other people are likely to be doing. If you contemplate bugging out on day 3-7 after a disaster, keep in mind that members of this forum will likely be much better equipped with material goods than the average man on the street, but you may not be much better armed. In that case, you’ll want to proceed very cautiously and keep self-defense in mind.

If you plan on having packs prepared to carry gear, and especially if you live in an urban area and/or will be traveling with family members not used to hiking, does it make sense to invest a little money in a wheeled assist? Something like a suitcase carrier, only with bigger and higher quality wheels, could ease the strain of carrying a pack. Even in rural areas, odds are you will try to make use of roads to speed your progress. However, don’t let the wheels tempt you into carrying too much stuff.