Thanks to all for the information you have shared on this list. We are in West KY and were able to get thru the ice storm with little trouble thanks to the many suggestions I read here and on other lists.

Our power went off last Tuesday and came back yesterday (Saturday) afternoon. However, since we had multiple heating sources and plenty of food, we were set...unlike some of our neighbors. Some of the adjoining counties may not have power for another 3-4 weeks. The local areas did open "warming centers" but folks were told to bring their own bedding and, at first, food. One of the local radio stations started recommending that some folks consider "evacuating" south to TN. I understand FEMA and the National Guard has finally shown up and are handing out water. For the first few days, the local city govt was handing out one gallon of water per family (that's per family not per individual) Yikes.

On the get list is more led lanterns. Had plenty of led flashlights and oil lanterns, but found that the small led lanterns put out sufficient area lighting to get thru the night and the batteries burn for a long long time. The bright white light is a bit harsh, but for me that is better than having candles lit all over the place. Also on the get list is more led headlamps. The one we had was great when needing to wander around the house with hands free.

Water was a worry for me. Not so much for drinking/cooking, but for flushing the toilet (we're on a septic system) and bears might go in the woods, but my ladies informed me in no uncertain terms to figure out how to flush! Luckily, there was enough snow on the ground, so I filled a bunch of rubbermaid containers and set them next the fire. So, for next time I gotta plan for "potty water"...any recommendations on good chemical toilets?

I also didn't have enough batteries. Had enough to get thru, but my supply made me nervous.

Krogers got up and running fairly quickly. They had a generator, so had perishable food...and they would take local checks. Wally world did not have a generator and would only accept cash when the power was out. An emergency cash stash was not something I had yet built up. So, we were very lucky we could find a merchant that would take checks. While we had plenty of "food food", comfort food is nice to have, especially with kids (ok, with moms 'n dads as well.) That ran out quickly.

When you live out in the country with lots of trees, ya gotta have a chain saw. I didn't. Cutting downed limbs with a bow saw so we could get out was entertaining. I now am the proud owner of a Stihl 250, won't be dropping big trees, but it will get me outta the driveway.

I discovered that I CAN cook on a dutch oven, outside in freezing weather. It just wasn't a big deal. It took a bit more coals and a bit longer, but my 12" & 10" cooked fine.

Inventory (with location where stuff is stored!) is important....had an entertaining time finding my coleman fuel as well as some resource materials, both of which had somehow gotten moved from where I thought they were.

All in all, we fared much better than some of our neighbors for which we are very thankful.
