I believe people in this forum put way too much emphasis on medication and far too little on basic first aid

I whole heartedly agree with this.

Basic first aid saves lives. Not a dig at any one in particular on this forum, but some people seem to get the attitude, "I'm better than that so I don't need to do the basic stuff". Unfortunatly this attitude can cost people their lives.



The only Drug I would consider carrying in a first aid kit is Asprin.

If the point of this mini-FAK is to have it when your main FAK isn't readily available, it makes no sense to me to stock it with stuff to treat non-life-threatening illnesses

Again, I agre with this.

On duty I normally carry a small bag with large dressings, a few triangluars, OP Airways and some sterile pads and tape for wounds in awkward places to bandage. If the person only needs a plaster, they can wait.
