Uhuh, and a new rifle in 1780 would have cost more than 2 English Pounds. (Dollars were not current yet.)
That was more than most people made in a month back then.
50 Pounds a year was considered a small fortune.

If I remember my US history correctly, every male between the ages of 15 and 60 (with at least 1 top and 1 opposing bottom tooth) were required by law to own a firearm and serve in the militia. I would venture to say, regardless of wealth or lack thereof, gun ownership was most more common back then.

Violent criminals generally did not last too long in that time period; many were shot in the process of committing their crime. There were few prisons and those that did exist were used mainly to hold accused, but not yet convicted individuals. Convicted criminals were either executed or branded, branding allowed one “get to go free card”, as if caught a second time, execution was generally the penalty. Long-term imprisonment was generally considered inhumane.
