I wasn't aware the british islands extended primogeniture to 'survival experts.'Were this true, I would expect the peerage to recognise Lofty Wiseman, whose credentials are without debate and who books, and to an extent the very english Grey Owl's writings, and OH! this vedy bwitish guy named Baden-Powell who started in the UK a small boy's group, are the foundation Bear and Stroud and Mears all stand on.
So lets stop the Lord of the Flies tribalism about who's guru can beat up your guru.
This 'industry, or lifestyle, or whatever particular label it's many,many 'camps' come up with has one very poignant , seldom survived flaw: It you want to make a million dollars in survial, it's often best to start out with two million.
The survival industry 'pie' can only be cut up into so many wedges, regardless if it's a Mora or a TRACKER doing the cutting.
This is why everybody sells THE KNIFE and writes a book with endorsement from somebody famous for doing something utterly unrelated proclaiming them 'The world's greatest expert' and containing the same illustration of a brush shelter, the infamous solar still and runs around growling at any other popular 'experts' mere mention while scent marking the potential income producing customer base who sieze on personae or good P.R. with the same rational people buy toasters.
So, just like we all ultimately sleep in our own chosen sleeping bag; cold or warm- We all choose our gurus.
I'm going to bed. According to Carlos Castaneda, I should seek out my personal power spot for maximum energy. My animal spirit guide likes the spot by the furnace and far from his litter box,curled up by my left shoulder.
Everybody here DOES HAVE AN ANIMAL GUIDE? I have a booklet on the subject. just send $ 9.99 to ETS foundation + postage.
I even reproduced that brush shelter illustration.

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (01/26/09 04:08 AM)