Originally Posted By: Tom_L
In contrast, today you can at least dial 911 and expect some assistance. Instead of going after a bunch of hardcore bad guys myself I much prefer having a SWAT team in town. They're pros and can do the job much better than me and my neighbors...

That is, unless they can get sufficiently organized themselves to form a standing armed/police force. In which case the civilian population will not really need weapons any longer. smile

So, we should all just dial 911 on the phone and then cower in the corner until the good guys show up to save the day? The reality of that situation is that all too often, the police arrive just in time to clean up the aftermath. My own brother, as well as several friends of mine, are current or former police officers and that is straight from them.

The police may or may not make it there in time to stop someone from harming myself or my family. The alarm system may or may not function properly. But, I will do everything in my power to see that myself and my family survive the ordeal.

Your reasoning that having police meaning the civilian population no longer needs guns is flawed. If you have a fire department, does that mean you shouldn't have smoke detectors or a fire extinguisher in your residence or business? There are plenty of highly-trained doctors and paramedics, does that mean you should not carry a first aid kit in your vehicle?

The thought that the big, warm, fuzzy government will come bail us all out of whatever ails us without us having to lift a finger is a sad part of the downfall of modern society. I'd expect a forum about preparedness to be the last place I'd hear someone say that we should just wait until the good guys show up to help us.