Brangdon wrote:

'According to this Gun Crime Report, there was a peak around 2003 and figures have been in decline since (fig 3). The variation seems to depend on ease of importing.'

Thanks for that Brangdon I've been trying to find the figures; hence my vagueness on the numbers after the first 5 years.

But aren't you agreeing that gun bans don't control the amount of shootings, when you say it depends on the ease of importing? Banning legal guns has no effect on that.
And doesn't that graph show that every sort of gun crime has risen since the bans were legislated? How can they be said to work?

The USA is one exammple of a place with more guns and more gun crime. But if it really depended on whether guns were illegal, the Bronx would be gun crime free and New Hampshire would be dodge city.
Norway has the highest gun ownership in Europe; where is the gun crime?