Originally Posted By: Sherpadog
These foams/gels work good on paper, however you to have to keep in mind that the average homeowner may be applying these types of products. If they miss spots...which they will or do not apply sufficiently, all it takes is one spark in a crucial missed spot for a fire to take off.

Also those houses, especially with vinyl siding will still be vulnerable from the intense heat as once the siding melts to the ground into a puddle, this will expose the house structure to the flames.

Somewhere on the Discovery Science Network is a show called "Beyond Tomorrow". Said program has a episode on the foam. It seemed to work quite well. Maybe an internet search will find it for those interested.

I am lucky in two respects:

1) I don't really live in a wildfire area.
2) I own a construction meter for fire hydrants, the proper wrench, 1900 foot of 2 inch construction grade hose and an adjustable FD hand nozzle.
Meter, wrench, hose and nozzle are almost the only "work" tools stored at the house.
I do the things that I must, and really regret, are unfortunately necessary.