On 9-11 I was on Kirriemuir Golf Course, virtually all day, mapping out the golf course using GPS for the course guide with a colleague. It was a beautiful day much like in the photos on the website course guide.


Strange thing was I could tell afterwards a few days later where I was standing exactly on the course as the GPS was time stamping my position as the events unfolded in the US. The first trade tower fell about the same time as where the photo on the Hole No 4 - Muirhouses photo was taken in virtually the same weather conditions.

We didn't finish mapping the course until well into the evening and had no idea of the events of 9-11 until we got back to the club house, which was virtually deserted accept for the bar tender. The bizarre thing was, that the TV in the bar was switched on and by then, constant news coverage was being shown, and yet even after watching the first tower being hit and the towers collapsing, it went completely ignored by myself, thinking it was some new bad Hollywood disaster Movie that was being shown. Only after my colleague returned from the bar after about 5-10 minutes with a couple of well deserved cold beers, that he had been informed by the bar tender of the terror attacks. The penny then dropped as to what I had been watching for the last 5-10 minutes.

Sometimes it can take a little while to absorb bad news or even realise it is bad news especially if you've just had a pleasant day walking a beautiful golf course.

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (01/22/09 03:30 AM)