I'm struck by a couple of things, first they name 3 people as participating but they only have 2 of them talking about themselves, who's "Beny"?
Second, why does anyone need multiple reasons to do what they claim they're going to do? "I want to go to the woods and see if I can survive with my friends for 30 days."

That really sums it up, the rest seems like some sort of post-modern rationalization to me. "We need more reasons dammit..."

They quote from Mr. Thoreau a lot, but I don't think they get the fact that he knew a helluva lot more about living in the woods at Walden then they do about wherever they're going. He also took supplies and tools with him to build his house in the woods if I'm not mistaken. He was living his life deliberately, not stupidly.

I wish them luck but I'm also struck by the fact that they're advertising their adventure months in advance, I'd find it all the more interesting if they simply went and did it, then came home and started their PR campaign.

I too don't quite see the connection to combatting racism, guess they need more reasons after all...


"and all the lousy little poets
comin round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson"

The Future/Leonard Cohen