Interesting. One of the participants will be a traditional Jewish man who attended a rabbinical school - I wonder how he will rationalize or address his dietary needs if he follows the kosher diet. Then again, I don't expect it will come up much, as I wouldn't assume alot of food from foraging. If they're dependent on roots and berries I hope they're in an uninhabited area (but not far from a strategic retreat), I hope the frost isn't late and the berries are plentiful, I hope they find them, and don't mind foraging all day for their food. Alexander Supertramp...

30 days is alot longer than a 2 week outdoor camp. 30 days gone walkabout is a helluva lot longer than 28 days, from the perspective of day 28, should they get there. I predict they'll realize within a week they don't want to be there, they don't have to be there, and in all probability run for the nearest Wendy's by first sunday. Its so easy to rationalize that they have enough story and footage for a documentary after that much time.