Originally Posted By: IzzyJG99
Leatherman Juice Xe6.
I have one, and I much prefer the lower end of the Juice range. The S2 is much slimmer and has all the basics - knife and scissors, flat and Philips screwdriver, bottle and can-opener, pliers and wire-cutters.

(I actually carry the next one up, the Cs4, which adds wood saw, awl and bottle-opener, none of which would be important if I was as concerned about space and weight.)

If you want something smaller, but probably totally ineffectual for anything serious, then I would suggest the Leaterman Squirt P4.
I have one of those, too. The pliers are mostly useful as tongs. I suppose it depends on what you want it for. The blade is OK for opening packages and a great many similar light jobs. It's not a survival knife by any means. Nothing at this end of the range would be good for batoning.
Quality is addictive.