NH charges for gross negligence. I have been on a few searches out there over the years. Pretty much, if you go out there UNprepared, and put yourself in a predicament WELL over your head (not an accident, or getting caught in a REAL bad storm), they WILL charge you. Most places where people get stuck out there are hard to get to; extraction can take literally hours (I have participated in one that took over 6, and about 5 relay teams, to extract someone). This takes a LOT of manpower. And, some S & R folks like me, travel 3 hours to get these people. I am a volunteer; I get NO compensation for this. Thats wear & tear on my vehicle, time away from work, etc. You also have NH fish & game, local pd/fd, state pd, and, in some cases, the national guard. If your idea of a weekend backpacking trip in October to the Whites consists of jeans, a jean jacket, t shirt, and a rucksack full of beer, rest assured; you get rescued, it WILL cost you LOTS of money.
my adventures