For me, layered response begins with event reaction, proceeds through securing essentials, and culminates in long term lifestyle adjustments as needed. Not every incident proceeds to the third level, but nearly every incident starts with level one, usually in the form of me trying to get by until I can either bug out, or return to home. From there things diverge into myriad possibilities, but almost all involve escalating levels of supply provisions and mobility concerns. The more time that goes by in a crisis situation, especially one where external aid is not forthcoming, the more my mode of operation converts from simple day to day survival using basic gear, supplies and methods, to the longer term goals, such as more secure shelter, supply requisitioning, security, and consoldating perhaps with others to form some sort of community.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)