There seem to be several people assuming that other drivers are capable of thinking ahead. The results tend to disprove that. There are always some who don't comprehend the situation.

On the other hand, considering how little actual training, experience and examination of skills for driving is required compared to say, flying a light airplane, it's a wonder we aren't all dead.

To the parents who can't be bothered to teach their kids to drive safely I say - it isn't "we" who are killing kids. It is their parents doing it by omission.

I learned to drive at the same time I was learning to fly. Both taken very seriously and thoroughly by my father. Practice stalls in the airplane - practice skids in the snow in the car. Same idea - learn the limits of your control in a safe environ so you can stay away from the limits when you want to.

No crashes in 36 years and well over a half-million miles of driving (so far). Includes this morning's crashfest in Colorado.