The Marines I've met, well most of em any way, never refer to themselves as a "former Marine" as did our recent troll. They also never use the fact that they served as some sort of qualifier when discussing issues that are not military related, also something done by the recent troll.

"I'm a former Marine, don't tell me how to wash my car..."

Couple that with the invoking of Godwin's Law and we have overwhelming evidence that the person in question was and most likely remains, a troll. Not to mention he was just a rude little f$%C#@r.

On another topic all together, a priest, a rabbi, a nun, and a guy with a parrot on his shoulder walk into a bar...

Wait for it.....

Bartender looks up, says, "what is this, a joke?"


"and all the lousy little poets
comin round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson"

The Future/Leonard Cohen