Originally Posted By: scafool
So my question is:
What items are you always running out of, and what items are past their expiry date because they never get used?

I just went through the periodic ritual of replenishing our Troop's primary FAK. Seems like with a bunch of boys and dads in the woods on a regular basis, we go through a lot of antiseptic spray, burn gel, eye wash, and various size bandages and adhesive pads. Moleskin gets sliced up into various sized pads during hiking trips too.

The stuff that's always expiring is the OTC meds... pain meds like aspirin, Tylenol, Motrin, and other treatments like Benadryl, Immodium, Pepto, etc. The creams and sprays would expire, but, we seem to use enough that we replace them regularly.

Fortunately, the more major trauma stuff isn't used often. If we start going through Israeli bandages in large quantities for example, I think my days as a Scoutmaster would be very limited grin

- Ron