"Lions and tigers and bears oh my"
Once again, higher carnivores; bears, wolves,men share a adaptive feature beyond tooth and claw. it is highly individual personalities.
Coyote, Canis Latrans, aka God's dog was once a regtional canid restricted to roughly Arizona-Utah-New Mexico.Coyote was kept in check largely by another carnivore we eradicated known as Canis Lupus, the wolf.Coyotes have taken over the void by the wolve's eradication and have evolved a number of adaptive strategies, including pack behavior.And coyotes will respond like any other predator to the flight reaction, which a smaller child on skies certainly invokes.
My ranch had a resident coyote named Suzy, readilly identified by
the rare genetic defect of a fifth foreleg growing out of one elbow. Suzie loved to eat avacodos, rats and sit in the arena watching us lope horses. A big male coyote came in one night during foaling and Suzie knocked the snot out of him when he charged a colt.This is the wolf individual that gave us canus domesticus, or snoopy.
You want coyotes back in their old range? bring back the wolf- and grizzlies in Los Angeles for that matter. They might give some of our gangs pause.

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (01/06/09 09:35 PM)