I decided to give them a try this year. At the start they where awkward to use but I got used to them quickly. I started using ham gear from summits last year so I can tell the difference. Hauling the equipment put a lot of strain to the knees especially on the downhill part. They make hiking much more comfortable especially when it goes uphill or downhill. I decided to get telescopic poles as they can be packed away more easily. I consider this as a big advantage on the parts where I have use both hands.
In conclusion Iīd say they are worth using. Get them and get used to use them. Itīs important to learn to use them properly.

BTW: With many people I see using them, I get the feeling that they are some kind of fashion item. On the bright side you do not stick out as much when you use them too.
If it isnīt broken, it doesnīt have enough features yet.