Originally Posted By: Desperado
Originally Posted By: wildman800
I got a large plastic box (15-20 gal size), with a lid, for my pet's BoB and 2 Pet Carriers.

I am looking for some packs that would fit the dogs, although they are small (Boston Terrier mixed breeds), they can carry some of their own gear.

Give me some time for packs as I may have a source if I can find her. Kinda flaky lady but makes good quality gear when she isn't sampling the 'shrooms and going to the latest "convention". Really worried about asking what the "convention" is.

Since Boston Terriers are kinda small it's hard to find ready made stuff, but try REI if I fail.


Uh, Uhem, well ya see...

I don't think we will be seeing the flaky lady for a while. Seems to have fallen off the face of the planet. While not unusual, there were remnants of crime scene tape on the door to her accommodations. I suspect she was "cooking" in addition to sewing (always suspected something) and got caught. Either that or something worse happened which would be sad, but not unusual for that area.

Try REI online
I do the things that I must, and really regret, are unfortunately necessary.