My most often requested cocktail at the bar is a Manhattan, made with Jim Beam and straight up.

Occasionally I will get a snakebite, or a gin & tonic.

At home, I have a variety of liquors, and often I make buttershots (butterscotch Schnapps with an Irish Cream floater) for my guests.

Recently I recreated a cocktail I enjoyed on Singapore Airlines, which I could not find the formula on the internet anywhere. I call it a "Tomosa". It is two parts orange juice, one part tomato juice and one part cheap champagne. I served these at my recent christmas party, and everyone who tried it found it different but quite pleasant. Even without the champagne, it is still a refreshing beverage, and one of my favorites for breakfast.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)