HAY has been known to spontaneously combust when the moisture content is more than 22%, and the large bales shouldn't be more than 16-18% moisture.

STRAW is usually pretty dry by the time the grain is harvested, and bales for houses usually have a moisture content of about 15% or less, and you must make the effort to keep it that way until it is sealed.

Tests involving baled straw and propane torches have produced singed bales, but none of them would actually ignite.

A couple of victims of the Malibu wildfire (1990?) returned to their home to find everything was ashes except the experimental straw-bale bench they had made.

Straw bale walls usually sit on shallow concrete troughs and are completely covered with the media of choice, often concrete on the outside and lime plaster on the inside. Building this kind of home with gaps in it is just begging for trouble. If a rodent is sealed inside the wall, it is called a 'Rodent Tomb'. laugh

If I could afford to drop-kick this mobile off a high cliff, passive solar/straw-bale is the way I would go.
