Here in western WA we've been getting more snow than usual, one to two feet. I've even had to go to a local county utility yard to ask if they could clear the large berm they built in front of a RR switch access road (gravity would get me down, but back up could be tricky).

So, one thing that I haven't seen mentioned here...

Most of us know that using a cheap mylar emergency blanket behind our aluminum lawn chair will reflect heat from the marshmallow- and hot-dog-roasting fire in front of us.

In a car situation, wouldn't it help to raise the inside temperature if we had several of those emergency blankets and rolled up one edge in the window and let it drape down the uninsulated doors, and maybe tucked the edge of another one under the windshield visors? IOW, slowing the heat going out the windows?

Add a candle or two or a simple alcohol stove... wouldn't this work?
