"...the court will second-guess my actions..."

That is what courts always do. Ever heard of a court taking weeks/months/years to decide if a cop (or john doe citizen) was proper in shooting the badguy, when the shooter had less than a second to decide? That is what they do, every day. Might not seem fair, but that is our system as it now stands.

I kindasorta have to agree with the court, much as I might not want to. As I understand it, a good samaritan is covered as long as they act within the scope of their training. No one is trained to run up to a crashed car and yank the occupant(s) out. Sometimes you have to, I did once, driver and passenger. Lucky for me/them, nothing happened other than they are still among the living (and I got to have a second back operation). In the case in question, sure, the victim might have already suffered the injury, but we will never know, thanks to the "rescuer" taking the action he/she did...