I've been in the Unix world since the late 70's. It was part time, but I switched over to Linux full time in the mid 90's, when Windows 95 came out. I don't hate MS, nor am I "religious" about operating systems, I just hate GUI's.

I use IE at work (no choice), but have my wife use Firefox, and I do sometimes also. It's pretty good. Most of the time, I use Pine. I still like it better than anything else, and I don't have to look at all the stupid graphics everyone tries to force on me. I'm getting grouchy in my middle age...

Since Mac is now Unix based, that is the way to go, and I've gotten most of my family to switch over. I still prefer Linux because I live on the command line, but if a user is not interested in that sort of thing, go Mac. If not Mac, then Firefox or Chrome (haven't tried that one yet).