Originally Posted By: Andy
Originally Posted By: Blast
Also, there's only one guy for every twenty women but that might just be a mid-life crisis sort of thing.

-Blast, currently being crushed at work

Yes, Blast that is a middle age crisis fantasy. When those wonderful DD's of yours are teenagers and you're doing your best to survive having more than one woman in the house your fantasy will be moving to a monastary. With two daughters and a wife in the house I spent some weeks in the basement...

In my nursing school class there were 44 girls, and me. Same ratios in preceding and succeeding classes. If I dated no one, and behaved as big brother to all, life was celibate, but peaceful. If I dated one, life was not celibate, but I had 43 surly classmates. Adolescent daughters are the punishment that the universe inflicts on dads for being men.
Dance like you have never been hurt, work like no one is watching,love like you don't need the money.