I've never "confronted" anyone, but I have had discussions with camping partners before we go - usually delegation of supplies and such, and their lack of stuff when appropriate.

Do I hope for something? Well, my dad thinks I do wink But really, I think it's odd that so many things happen when I'm not around. For example, the big east coast blackout happened a month after I moved from Philly. Most of the big fire seasons in CA happen when I'm not around - conversely, while CA is under ridiculous amounts of snow, here in Detroit there's about 2 inches on the ground (though more coming in). I wonder if I'm prepared enough for, say, a week long blackout. I don't "hope" for it, but I'd be curious. The best way to find out, of course, is just not use any electricity for a week, but I haven't done that.

I've never intentionally pushed myself, but occasionally stuff happens. I've gotten lucky so far, and in all fairness, I don't think some of those things wouldn't have been helped by being prepared.