Smash, you bring up very valid points. Certainly all of us know the merits of keeping a low-profile and not drawing attention to oneself. When it comes marketing oneself on the internet, though, a certain amount of “accessibility” is necessary. Blast has a great blog and wild edibles classes to offer, keeps everything PG-rated, and the personal things he posts about his life (including photos) only make him look friendlier and more easy-going. Those are huge pluses for a teacher. Besides, as a guy, Blast doesn’t have to worry as much from the internet weirdos as he would for his wife and kids (and he takes precautions with them especially).

Trust me on this, too: in regards to the internet weirdos, you simply cannot control what gets them all riled up (no matter how benign your material is) or how deep their weirdness goes. It's a personal assessment whether the risks outweigh the gains. I say this as a children’s book illustrator who absolutely has to maintain an internet presence for professional reasons AND as someone who has been the obsession of an individual for the past 5 years. I just wish they’d buy one of my books already!