Originally Posted By: Chris Kavanaugh
I think I can market a cheap safety and fuel saving devise. It's a wooden wedge with a bolt,slipped under hte gas pedal and calibrated to 65 MPH.

While I'm with ya in spirit. The speed limits in some areas is 70 mph. I really don't think it is the high speed but driver inattentiveness and the comprehension issues surrounding safe speeds for the driving condiditions. Hell...35 mph may be too fast under some conditions. I don't even have a problem with cell phones, or a drink, or a smoke, or whatever it is one might do...just not all at once (I've seen makeup, cig, food, drink, AND phone on the interstate by the same woman). If you're the type person who has issues being observant without any added issues, then I'm saying cell phones/cigs/food/etc may not be for you when you drive. If you're the type of person who will never again look over your shoulder to change lanes after passing your license test, the driving under any condidition is right out. And for you texters while ya drive...thanks for playing the lottery with our lives.
...got YAK???