Saw live report on TV, pilot wasn't talking on HIS cell phone ...he used one provided by a paramedic that responded. At least thats what I heard ....also commentator said pilot was very concerned about what the plane did after he ejected and that he'd stayed late as he could and couldn't make an open area.
Sure he could've augered in with the plane, but what would that solve ?
I choose to believe he punched out as late as he dared. I have a healthy respect for aviators ...despite the jet jock image projected by some ...these guys have no desire to injure anyone, but bad guys.
AS to whether he should of done this or that ...we won't be privy to anything but rumor and conjecture. And its unllikely that he made any decisions alone....except the one to try and save his own ass at the last possible moment. One can only do so much with a plane with no engines ... which become more like a rock with wings at some point afte rthat last engine quits.
And while my sympathies go out the injured parties on the ground I commend the father for stepping up early in this personal (for him) nightmare to even mention the pilot.
That guy gets my vote and I hope there's a way to help his patch his life back together and nurture him thru this.