Naw, I know what you're saying, i just had to get on a rant. Every time one of those form 4473's gets filled out, there's a transaction of information that is going somewhere. They say they can't use that information for anything more than what you indicated for the NCIC check, but then Ted Kennedy suggested at one point that since the information wasn't being destroyed, it should be used for something more productive, which idea fortunately got shot down.

None of the LEOs I know ever do anything with that information beyond what is supposed to be done, but the fact remains the information is being kept, and sure enough someone in a dingy sub-floor with a GS rating is maintaining it for possible future use. Not LEO, but definitely on government payroll.

Let me put it another way. If you buy from a dealer, and he does the paperwork, there's no chance of getting your hands on a bad apple. I've witnessed many private sales transactions at gun shows etc, and I am sure none of them were a problem. Just given the tenuous recent events reolving around gun ownership of late, I am just a bit skeptical about procedure.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)