I am with Big Daddy, I want the support and cooperation of my neighbors, in fact many preparedness texts preach just that, keeping the tribal animal alive, so to speak, and strength in numbers, more variety, their eternal gratitude, etc.

I have barter items stored- cigars, cigarettes, which I rotate out (I don't smoke, so give them to homeless, or my smoking friends), knives to give away (small folders, about 100, cheap but usable), and some MRE's and other items that I could spare outside of our personal reserve.

I also have that can of Cream of Broccoli from 2003 I haven't had the courage to eat yet.

I figure that anyone running a generator (like me) will be inundated with requests to store food that is in danger of spoiling as well. So a cooperative strategy seems best, with myself and my neighbors agreeing on leadership and distribution. If not doable, then spare what I can, and make it clear they need to forage on their own.