Well, being just south of the DMZ, I can't say this hasn't occurred to me. However, after doing a little bit of research I'm coming to the conclusion that there's no such thing as an escape kit. At least not one you can take with you. An escape kit has to be compiled after you're already captured. Everything else will have been taken from you during the initial and subsequent searches. The best thing you can do is memorize maps of the area you'll be traveling in. Navigating with out maps is nearly impossible and so you need to either be very familiar with the area or be able to sketch out a map for your self. For evasion, a normal survival kit is perfectly suitable, with the addition of camouflage aids.

However, I do not carry either an escape or evasion kit of any sort. I do have my EDC, and I carry an assault pack with cold weather clothing, signal gear, navigational aids and a brew kit when I'm in the field. This is in case of vehicle break down or separation from my unit during peace time. As part of my EDC I also carry a notebook/journal that I habitually sketch maps in. More then once this has been the map I've relied on to keep from getting lost, both in cities and in the field.

I started it as a way to locate entries in my field notebook for geology classes and it carried over into the rest of my life. Even a very rough map is useful as long as it has a north seeking arrow and includes major terrain features. Mine have ranged from precisely scaled down copies of maps with simplified topography to rough not-to-scale drawings showing road intersections. Both have come in handy.
A gentleman should always be able to break his fast in the manner of a gentleman where so ever he may find himself.--Good Omens