I have read in a couple of sources a recommendation to buy firearms face-to-face from a private seller (typically a used gun) rather than buying from a store if legal and possible in one's area. I think this recommendation is to leave less rather than more paper trail of gun purchases.

Because these sources tend to err on the side of caution/wariness of government gun control/hypervigilance, I'm not sure how to take this. I also prefer to leave less rather than more records of any of my purchasing habits. I like the selections I can get from stores but prefer the relative anonymity of private transactions.

I guess I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of low-profile transactions versus full paperwork transactions.

Leaving aside purchase aspects of inspection and test firing, do you have any insights or tips regarding the preference of face-to-face, cash transactions? (In my location, these transactions are legal, btw.)