Originally Posted By: Chris Kavanaugh
Last night I looked out my window. I saw my Chabbad nieghbors walking to temple. Dark frock coats at sundown are a bad idea and my ETS LED winked into the darkness after a short rabbinical council when my superior logic won out.Now I need a new LED, little Avi the proud new owner.
My gas station is owned by Sikhs. Sikhs have been in California for 5 generations and own a good number of the central Valley farmlands.
Sikhs are upset. A man killed his daughter's rapist and is in jail. The guards took away his turban ( he can hang himself) and issued a statement they weren't anti islamic. Brilliant, Sikhs aren't moslems.
My black nieghbor, who is lighter than most of the tanned surfers in Malibu is upset. Our other nieghbor put up Christmas lights already and they shine into his window.I explained our nieghbors (from India) have a light festival this time of year and he has this really, really neat apartment feature, and check it out, as I demonstrated the curtains.
I was eating panzit, lumpia and San Miguel beer, gift from my retired navy nieghbor for Veteran's Day.

My point (yes, I have one) is this country is an ever more diverse nation united by ideas.the more you know about your nieghbors, the less differences there actually are, and being a jew,black,sikh or filipino is no different than being irish or worse.

Start thinking like that, and nazis, or their ilk become comedic foils for Jake and Elwood.

Each and all members of this forum should heed the example above, as it is the best and most informative "Urban Survival" information I have gained from this or any other website.

Coming from a childhood where racism was almost handed down as birthright from some of my older relatives, life has been an enlightening experience once I opened my eyes to the reality that we really can all get along.

Maybe if we take the chance and get to know all of those around us, we will discover that we really aren't all that different.

Very nicely put Chris.
I do the things that I must, and really regret, are unfortunately necessary.