Originally Posted By: firefly99
I think the best way to deal with falling sick due to germs.

Is the go to the hospital and get the doctor to give you as many type of vaccination while you are still healthy.

Then when a pandemic comes around, you will be immune or partially immune. You will be in a better shape to survive the early days of the pandemic and not fall too sick.

This should give you enough time to hear the offical announcement and bug-in.

These are good thoughts - annual flu vaccine is the best bet you have against a possible pandemic. But remember, the very definition of a pandemic is a strain of influenza to which you have no resistance, and in the even the dice roll and the wrong strain of flu comes up, whatever immunizations were available that year are unlikely to provide very much protection. There is a period after detecting the actual strain while they are preparing a new vaccine, when everyone will be entirely exposed. Once the vaccine is prepared, the question will be how much, and who will get it. Current plans are to give it first to those who are caring for the sick, medical staffs etc, then also the target populations, those who are dying most from it. This seems to vary, sometimes it is the young, sometimes the old.

Pandemic always makes me think of panic, of which there is plenty during the actual pandemic. The better prepared you are for what may come, maybe the less panic you'll feel. I recommend reading up on it, the CDC has some good info too, and the Canadian health services has some especially good materials. Barry's book on the 1917 Great Influenza is pretty good, it even puts the pandemic in the context of the development of modern American medicine, which in point of fact hadn't actually happened by 1917.