Apartment custodian just leafblowered the last of a local inconvenience. I am talking fagaceae quercus lobata, aka valley or white oak, the largest oaktree in the world and producer of the single most nutritious food source known to mankind.

At the other end of the spectrum I am looking at a can of corned beef with an expiration date of December 2010.

Before anyone starts contemplating a plan of action for after the supermarkets run out of bearclaws and chocolate milk, using those tricked out Springfield survival rifles on the nieghbor's cat and growing heirloom indian blue corn in San francisco fog: I suggest sitting down with a cold beer and looking at ALL the options; longterm food storage, untapped local resources ( any fellow californian's ever tried Miner's lettuce?)including those rats with wings aka pigeons that a young Eanest Hemingway shot with a slingshot in Paris when they were "young and poor but happy."

I would also take any website with a .com addie with a grain of kosher sea salt. I may BE a treehugger, but I know a marketing and philosophical prejudice when I see one.

Now, I am going to have lunch, with FREE pomegranate seeds from the bush my nieghbor has and gives me weekly. I need to lose some wieght, and I won't do it with expensive South American miracle fruit.

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (11/07/08 07:30 PM)