I wish I could help you Martin, truly I do. You just described my life, sort of.

I'm gone 30 days of sitting on my butt or sleeping, with eating just before I go to bed. I carry on your "home routine" for 15 days at home.

What I have done:
At work:
Eat a big breakfast (0530), go to bed, skip lunch (1200), have 4 pieces of buttered toast before I go to bed (1930). I have a couple of small Snicker's Bars during my 5 hr (morning) and 7 hr (afternoon) watch.

At Home:
Eat buttered toast and milk for breakfast, carry out a similar routine as yours although my "work" is at home. Have a sandwich, chips & dip, or fast food for lunch, have an evening walk or bicycle trip around the neighborhood, a light supper.

This seems to be helping at a slow rate. I've been working hard to reduce how much food I have been putting on my plate.

I am going to start "walking the tow" every morning, after breakfast.

I am slowly feeling better, making slow progress, but toning up nonetheless. I feel that there is an urgency for me to be prepared to walk a 1,000 miles very soon, to get home.

I'm trying to better my odds.

BTW, I just dug up my Appreciation Certificate from the 3rd Ranger Battalion & 7th Special Forces Group (A) to keep me focused on getting back into my lean fighting condition that I was in back in 1993!

Good Luck Brother!
The best luck is what you make yourself!