Originally Posted By: Susan
"IMHO every able bodied male should own one in order to come to the defense of those less able to take care of themselves. They (guns) are just one of the tools that I think every man should own."

OH... REALLY ???!!!

And what about the other half of the population?

What happens if DaddyO isn't home?

Please allow me to embellish your statement a bit:

IMHO every able bodied person over the age of 10 should own, and be trained in the use and safety of, a firearm, so they can take care of themselves and those who set their weapon down to fix dinner or change a tire.



Yes... REALLY!!! grin

I knew (unfortunately) that someone would take my statement as a comprehensive statement of who should/shouldn't own a firearm and let it get under their skin. It was not meant in that way and I certainly did not want to offend anyone but (to be perfectly honest) I get tired of trying to make everything so PC as not to offend anyone on the planet.

Susan, I apologize if the statement bothered you. It was not meant in the way you received it.

I'll crawl back under my rock now since I am obviously not cut out for online conversations.
"There is not a man of us who does not at times need a helping hand to be stretched out to him, and then shame upon him who will not stretch out the helping hand to his brother." -Theodore Roosevelt