While your argument holds up for people in general. It may not hold up for any given person. With the right mind-set and actions a person can reduce his or her risk considerably.

I’m sure the example above relating to auto death plays on the collective, not a person that uses a seat belt all the time, drives an appropriate speed for any given situation, practices defensive driving and situational awareness.

As far as terrorist and shopping malls, terror by it’s nature depends on a large body count to be shown on the news. To be much safer while shopping, go to the mall during slow times when others don’t. A terrorist is much more likely to strike at a busy time. Also I seldom go to malls as other stores fill my needs. My mall / terrorist risk is much lower then most peoples as I seldom go there.

This risk management can (and should) be applied to a large amount of given situations.

You can run, but you'll only die tired.