Thanks for all the replies! The strategies for pain, allergies, and stomach problems all seem to vary quite a bit. I think different people respond differently due to many factors, so ideally I'd be able to try them all, but that takes time, money, and me getting hurt a whole lot.

Part of the point of this thread is to see what is generally effective and safe, and I've definitely gotten some ideas. For example, Nexium/Prilosec aren't an emergency use sort of thing, instead use Zantac to stop acid production and a neutralizer (Tums/Maalox/etc.) for immediate relief.

I'm still a bit torn on the pain killer issue, and replies here have been mixed as well.

nursemike: would the side effects of 50mg of caffeine really be so horrible as to outweigh its usefulness in aiding pain killers? Coffee is pretty accessible, but sometimes a pill's even easier. Re: Snickers I have heard that caffeine is best taken with food.

nursemike again: Advil packaging (200mg caplets) say adults should take 1 every 4 to 6 hours, and Tylenol (500mg caplets) say adults should take 2 every 4 to 6 hours. Perhaps this is a good combo in terms of timing after all?

BobS: I didn't really want to get into topicals, but while we're on the subject apparently Water Jel makes some good stuff for sunburns that you might want to try.

Re: Sudafed/Benadryl, it seems that Benadryl is vastly more flexible and preferred as the EDC of choice by many, in spite of the drowsiness (which as some have mentioned can be a feature). It's interesting to note that before I moved, I had to take so much Sudafed for hay fever that it became ineffective for me. So YMMV indeed.

So in the end it looks like these 7 are the most important:

Advil/Aleve (still not sure)

With a stronger acid inhibitor, allergy med, and caffeine being useful if you'd be well served by them. Any other thoughts? Thanks again!

Edited by kirbysdl (10/29/08 03:40 AM)