I use Advil over Aleve, because Aleve causes problems for me, and the liquid-caps Advil doesn't. I haven't tried the new liquid-caps Aleve yet though, if it doesn't cause a problem I'd prefer it. Before I developed a sensitivity to it, I prefered Aleve.

Prilosec takes longer than Zantac. If you expect to have a problem, use Prilosec. If you are reacting to a problem, take Zantac.

The chewable pepto tablets have never worked very well for me. But they are much more convenient to carry around than the liquid. I haven't tried the caplets.

I don't get motion sickness very easily, so I have no opinion on Dramamine/Bonine. When I have passengers for aerobatics, I usually give them one of those shocker watches. They seem to last longer with that. But everybody gets sick riding along for aerobatics, even instructors if things aren't going as planned.

Big thumbs up on Immodium! I take the kind that also includes Simethicone, which is anti-gas. I think they call it "Immodium Advanced". They used to have a chewable version, but it was NASTY.
- Benton